Tuesday, January 12, 2010

P T S D More Condition_symptoms In Pokemon Platinum , Do You Think That The Gyms And The Elite 4 Have Been More Challenging Than D/P?

In Pokemon Platinum , do you think that the gyms and the elite 4 have been more challenging than D/P? - p t s d more condition_symptoms

And what do you think of Pokémon Platinum?


  1. I think platinum is apparently largely based on D / P, but he has a special touch, the story is so much more interesting. This is a scam to me, but others may feel differently. The four teams were in the elite level of difficulty, but kept the same (although I think the players more confidence in the striking, because they are relatively low D / P.

    I personally like the platinum, I see as a leap of Emerald, as the same, but always felt like an original game itself.

  2. I think they are difficult because of the legend of the game, both Dialga and Palkia Giratina better prices. I think platinum is a rip off! It is almost the same game! Only with a different story. **** It bothers me, as you say, it's a different game can.

  3. I thought it was really easy, especially for the elite four. They had much less Pokemon, that is, if there is a ray scanner beam can destroy a good majority of their Pokémon.

  4. I think they are because it is pokemon platinum and not tear down, it's like rebooting the pearl or diamond, but much better! If you can afford it, and I think all of us!

  5. Platinum is better than the DP and the gym leaders / elite 4 have been much more difficult.

  6. No, it was easier because it is an experience that was much quicker

  7. No, it was easier because it is an experience that was much quicker

  8. The Pokemon are stronger 4 to 10 times
