Sunday, January 10, 2010

Meringue Calories Does Seem Like A Pretty Healthy Cookie? ?

Does seem like a pretty healthy cookie? ? - meringue calories

You are meringue cookies.
We must
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1 cup sugar and 2 tablespoons Splenda (Kitchen)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
then in a circle over and let it bake.
which corresponds to the size of golf balls are the cookies really easy.
How many calories do you think would be one of them?
] Thanks in advance =]
p / s
The recipe] is about 32 altogether =]


  1. Splenda is not good. It would be better for regular use. Sugar.
    Almost all artificial sweeteners are worse for you than sugar in the long run.
    I think that the excitement is one of the artificial sweeteners media at the height of the reasons why they went to Iraq in the war.

  2. that look very healthy! idk, but the Weinstein ... It would be a "cookie" is really good, no, maybe I could use one or begging.

  3. He seems very healthy for me.
    Splenda is an artificial sweetener aspartame-based, and should be avoided. Can a series of neurological problems. If you replace the Splenda sugar to lose weight (to calories), I suggest you find recipes for oatmeal, almonds, cookies, etc. available. Yes, they have calories, but also fiber, protein and some vitamins and minerals.
    Or eat only fruit.
