Friday, January 22, 2010

Black And Orange Metal Cores What Is The Difference Between Jamaican People And Black People?

What is the difference between Jamaican people and black people? - black and orange metal cores

Some of my relatives say they are black, Jamaica, Cuba and Puerto Rico. My thing is, what is the difference between blacks and Jamaicans. I am also of Jamaica, I am Jamaican origin. But it was the Jamaicans and Africans? Some people say I'm half black and half Jamaican. Is not this the same? He from Jamaica, white and Native American.


  1. First, in response to the first person, the answer is not all black African American. I am sick and tired of correcting some of you. If a black man, born in Jamaica, Barbados and Brazil, who !!!!! African American

    Second, to answer the actual question, there is no difference between blacks and Jamaicans. "Jamaica is" only one nationality, as is America, while the black is on the other side of a race. Do you already have the black diaspora? Well, many people are here) (Jamaicans to them, because most people here are black, despite the fact that there are other races here.

    I hope that answers your question. In Puerto Rico and Cuba race very well, they are nationalities. Cuba is next to Jamaica and Puerto Rico, the other just before the Spanish.

  2. The people in Jamaica are black, as a rule. Black Americans and Jamaicans are of African origin, is only one group brought to America during slavery, while others were taken to Jamaica. In England, the people of Jamaica are known as "Black", there is no difference between them and the "other" types classified by black people, I thought it was always the same.

  3. above all, no. The average Jamaican is black. There are Indians, Asians and whites in Jamaica, but most are white. Jamaica means in essence, a black from Jamaica. If you are in Asia or India must speak as the Indo-Jamaican, as people African American, Asian American are, etc. do not know how to name

  4. Blacks tend, regardless of culture, dialect and geographic location have a very similar concept and form, is American, Islander, Latino or African-Africa itself

    Most Jamaicans are black on the road. And some Cubans and Puerto Ricans are black or black ancestry, but not all.

  5. Jamaica is a nationality, the black race

    Most Jamaicans are black

    Not all blacks from Jamaica, which vary in their birth

  6. I'm with authentic black American

  7. Authentic Black AmericanJanuary 23, 2010 at 1:04 PM

    Blacks in the United States are not "black people" .. .. All the Americans came as slaves, have declined in Jamacia have disappeared from the United States. They Jamacian descent .. We moved to the U.S. ..

    And there is no difference between blacks and Jamacian .. Jamacian black people in general ..

    EDIT: How on earth do I thumbs down? Tell me where Im wrong ..

  8. Kevin Jonas Rides DirtyJanuary 23, 2010 at 3:10 PM

    Black - African American (?)
    Jamacian of the island (a white mother and a father can give birth to a son who is white and was born in Jamacian, when it Jamacian)
    Puerto Ricans a little white, black and maybe some Indian ancestry

  9. This is called "Black People", his
    African American

    All from different countries and continents
