Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Varicose Veins Treatment More Condition_symptoms Varicose Veins And Treatment?

Varicose Veins and Treatment? - varicose veins treatment more condition_symptoms

I have a problem with varicose veins in the legs. I had over a year and does not seem too serious until recently. If I participate in an activity where I stand on my feet, like tennis, I feel a pain in the legs. The pain is so great that I to sit back massage and leg pain. However, it is too little to alleviate the pain.

I have done extensive research on varicose veins and I did everything that the "house" treatment as I can. I see what I eat and try to keep fit, but now it seems I can not do because my legs hurt when I do. I try to stay off my feet and back on track. This works, but I'm busy person, so I keep moving from one place to another.

I wonder if I go ahead and ask a doctor if you can give, because sclerotheropy I can not think anymore. It would be great people, varicose veins and a successful treatment can be heard. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, of all people know that this problem has not completely erase the problem.
    the only thing that really relieves the pain and Vains was residual, elevation and taking aspirin, a fourth day.
