Thursday, February 18, 2010

How Far Ejculate When Will I Hit My Growth Spurt?

When will I hit my growth spurt? - how far ejculate

In a 14 almost 15 years. Im like 5 5, but to see and hear as a child 12 years and is really embarrassing for me. As far as a month ago, I had my first ejaculation, but not change my body to do my organs? I look young for my age and my voice was very, very thin and light, in the wonder if my body as if I will my growth spurt, or browse through my voice grow. I really do not understand how, but it still seems ejculate years, 12 or 11 years.


  1. Growth spurts usually aged 12 to 16 occur, and this is only 2.8 inches. When it reached only 2 inches is not likely.

    You can expect to grow at least 3 years before reaching their maximum height. Even without an accelerated growth of its maximum height at 18 years is probably 5'9 and with an acceleration of growth (if they are still ahead of you), Customs may in several years.

  2. I really do not start changing until the age of 16-19 years. I think it is very common. Give him only one more year. Why rush to be old. Of age sucks.
